We believe each resident is a unique person, has a story to tell, and should be encouraged to participate in guiding their own care
Give your loved one the comforts of Home at Niagara Rehabilitation & Nursing Center
We believe each resident is a unique person, has a story to tell, and should be encouraged to participate in guiding their own care
Give your loved one the comforts of Home at Niagara Rehabilitation & Nursing Center
Our Services

Skilled Nursing
Using a variety of treatment techniques to help movement, reduce pain, restore function and prevent disability. Physical Therapy treatments ..
Long Term Skilled Nursing

Short Term
Anodyne Therapy is infrared light therapy device used to increase circulation and reduce pain, stiffness and muscle spasm.
Short Term Rehabilitation

We staff professional sports trainers to promote exercise and movement on a daily basis for those who no longer qualify for rehabilitation.
Comprehensive Programs
We are keeping our Residents Safe and Healthy...
Update 6/24/22
As of today 6/24/22: The facility remains free of Covid 19, testing prior to visitation remains in place, along with Infection control procedures, masks are required.Looking to join the best team in the area?
Weekly Updates
Update 6/24/2022
The facility remains free of Covid 19, testing prior to visitation remains in place, along with Infection control procedures, masks are required.
Update 4/27/2022
The facility has a current outbreak of Covid 19, if your loved one is affected you will be privately notified.
Update 3/21/2022
Our facility is Covid free, previous requirements for a negative covid test prior to visitation remains in place.
Update 12/31/21
County positivity rates for Covid 19 are increasing daily. At this time to ensure the safety of all of our residents we will ask that visitation be scheduled. We will advise that a rapid covid test be done at the facility prior to visiting. Admission Agreement https://fiddlersgreenmanor.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Fiddlers-Green-Manor-Admission-agreement.pdf
Weekly Update 9/30/2021
Policies E Plan Part 2 NYSDOH Emergency Plan Part 3 NYS DOH Emergency Plan
Weekly Update 6/14/2021
Weekly Update 6/4/2021
Niagra remains covid free and open for visitation. Niagara Rehabilitation & Nursing Center has partnered with Mobile Primary to bring Telemedicine to the residents and patients at Niagara Rehabilitation. We have used this Technology to also connect with prominent and specialized services in the community of Western New York. The program allows the Medical Providers at …
Weekly Update 5/5/2021
Niagara has NO covid cases!
Weekly Update 4/22/2021
1 staff member positive, 1 resident: Visitation is open.
Weekly Update 4/15/2021
Niagara: Has one staff member positive, but visitation is available!
Weekly Update 4/8/2021
No new cases: visitation is in place, contact activities to schedule a visit. COVID Visitation Policy Rev 4-6-21COVID 19 Communal Dining rev 4-6-21
Weekly Update 3/30/2021
Please contact the facility to schedue your visits. Visitation will be scheduled in designated locations, inside and outside , weather permitting. Other arrangments will need to be made with the facility. Updated NH Visitation Guidance 3 25 21
Weekly Update 3/22/2021
Visitation is occurring, please contact activities to schedule a visit. Visitation Memo
Weekly Update 3/12/2021
FGM: has had a new staff positive case, all residents are negative, indoor visitation is on pause. CMS and CDC has put out new visitation guidance, as soon as we have this clarified with the NYS Dept of Health all families and residents will be notified.
Weekly Update 3/3/2021
No new positive cases: visitation continues by appointment, the facility will complete a rapid covid test prior to your visit
Weekly Update 2/25/2021
Niagara: is open for visitation: Please contact the facility activities department to schedule a visit, we will require a negative covid test prior to visitation, which we will do a rapid test at the time of your visit, or you can bring a negative test with you, done with the last 72 hours. Attached are …
Weekly Update 2/15/2021
No positive cases, visitation is open, with a negative covid test, contact the facility activities department to schedule a visit. There are local centers to go to get a covid test.
Weekly Update 2/5/2021
Fiddlers has 3 residents and 3 staff who are Covid positive. The facility is under yellow zone precautions. Please contact the Admin or Director of Nursing with any questions
Weekly Update 2/2/2021
No positive cases.
Weekly Update 1/12/2021
180 days covid free!
Weekly Update 12/30/2020
We have no positive residents!!!! Visitation is available either via window visits or on site if you can provide a negative covid test done 7 days prior to visit. Please contact the facility to schedule!! Vaccines: 2nd shots scheduled for 1/11/2021
Weekly Update 12/23/2020
Happy Holidays to all from Niagara Rehab!! Have a safe, Happy Holiday!! Vaccine administration starts Monday 12/28!! A Christmas blessing!! There are no new positive cases Happy Holidays! Cooper time at Niagara!!
Weekly Update 12/18/2020
No new cases, COVID free, vaccine administration to begin 12/28/20!!
Weekly Update 12/14/2020
All staff and residents are negative. We will be partnering with Walgreen’s and CVS per the direction of the Federal Government. Please contact the facility directly for further information. Attached here is the Covid-19 vaccine information fact sheet. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for HCP_0
Weekly Update 12/8/2020
All negative!!
Weekly Update 11/23/2020
Niagara has had no new positive cases. All residents remain negative.
Weekly Update 11/11/2020
No new positive tests Department of Health: COVID-19 Travel Advisory
Weekly Update 11/5/2020
NR: 2 employees tested positive, all other employees and residents were negative Advisory: Resumption of Salon Services
Weekly Update 10/29/2020
NYSDOH Released Health Advisory on Changes to LTC Facility Visitation
Weekly Update 10/23/2020
We remain with no new Covid cases. Visitation continues upon receipt of a negative Covid test.
Weekly Update 10/8/2020
No new Covid cases.
Weekly Update 9/28/2020
COVID Visitation Policy Visitor Fact Sheet
Weekly Update 9/15/2020
The facility remains Covid Free. Sending another with the required policies to be posted. Niagara Rehab required Pandemic Emergency plan NR Visitation 9-16-20 2020-09-15_nursing_facility_visitation PPE Burn Rate and PPE Storage Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses, like flu, this fall and winter is more important than ever. CDC has worked …
Weekly Update 9/9/2020
FGM remains with no Positive Covid cases staff or residents!! Visitation continues by appointment with activities!!
Weekly Update 8/31/2020
No new cases, visitation is approved! Contact the activities dept to schedule!
Weekly Update 8/24/2020
Niagara staff enjoyed a staff appreciation day n the Miss Buffalo! Thank you to our heroes! The facility is pending approval for visitation, there are new resident cases. Two staff members are pending results from community tracing.
Weekly Update 8/17/2020
All residents are now negative for covid; we must wait 28 days with no new cases before on site visitation will be approved! Remote visits will continue.
Weekly Update 8/3/2020
Niagara has still not been approved for visitation, there are no new cases but we have residents with testing swabs pending. The labs are significantly backed up. We will keep everyone updated.. The weekly staff continues and we have no new positive cases.
Weekly Update 7/21/2020
Niagara is not eligible for visitation at this time, as the requirement is the facility has to be 28 days Covid free. There was a positive case identified in the hospital that has since returned covid negative, the facility has retested all residents and confirmed results are pending. There are no residents with any symptoms. …
Weekly Update 7/16/2020
Niagara Rehab will be opening for visitation!!! The facility will be notifying you to schedule your visit. Visitation will need to be limited per the DOH guidance. The facility had one resident test positive in the hospital, who has returned and is Covid negative. The facility has tested all residents as a precautionary measure; all …
Weekly Update 7/10/2020
Niagara had a beautiful drive by parade!! It was beautiful to see and very heartfelt by all!! No new cases and everyone is doing great!! COVID FREE!!
Weekly Update 7/3/2020
We REMAIN Covid Free!! All staff and residents have tested negative!! We will continue all of our efforts to prevent the spread of Covid -19. Weekly testing of all staff continues, and all new residents require a negative test prior to admission. Pleas feel free to reach out to the facility for anything you may …
Weekly Update 6/26/2020
We are Covid free!!! All staff and residents have tested negative!! We will continue all of our efforts to prevent the spread of Covid -19. Weekly testing of all staff continues, and all new residents require a negative test prior to admission. Pleas feel free to reach out to the facility for anything you may need!! …
Weekly Update: 6/16/2020
To Our Residents and Family Members: We have come a long way since March 30, when we first experienced COVID-19 at Niagara Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. We have remained together and have bonded through this extremely difficult trying period of time. We have learned a lot and it has given us a greater respect and …
To Our Residents and Family Members: We want to provide you with an update on the situation at Fiddler’s Green Manor regarding the novel coronavirus or COVID-19, including the number confirmed cases as well as efforts we are undertaking. The safety and wellbeing of our residents is our top priority. We are doing what we can …
Weekly Update: 6/5/2020
All residents were tested this week, only 2 tested positive who were both asymptomatic. The staff is being tested twice a week and there have been no positive cases. Please enjoy the video done by the staff for your enjoyment!! Window visits, Face time, and skype are still available, and we will be starting outdoor …
Weekly Update: 5/26/2020
The facility has had all residents tested by the NYSDOH, anyone who tested positive you were notified and all families were notified of the testing on the weekly town hall call. There has been no deaths. We have begun the the twice weekly testing of all staff.
Weekly Update: 5/15/2020
This weekly update is being provided to report that we continue to have Covid-19 positive cases of both residents and employees. There has been one new case and no deaths in this past week . Effective 5/20/20, all staff will be tested twice a week, in accordance with the executive order from Governor Cuomo. The …
Weekly Update: 5/5/2020
This weekly update is being provided to report that we have had/continue to have Covid-19 positive cases of both residents and employees within the building. If your loved is showing symptoms or being tested, you will be personally notified by a member of the nursing staff. You will also be notified of any new positive …